Unit J: Translating Space

From the architect’s 2D drawing to the real life construction site, a complex act of translation occurs which is fertile ground for exploration.

This year Unit J is exploring the relationship between dimensions, folding and unfolding space from 2D to 3D and beyond into the temporal. Building on previous year’s briefs, we have been investigating techniques that designers use to represent and prototype spaces, using common reference points such as the body for scale. We have studied precedents from other disciplines such as tailoring and plane manufacture, as well as architectural examples such as the work of Enric Miralles to understand how to construct complex spatial drawings with embedded instructions for construction. Assembly and reconfiguration has formed key sub-themes in order to understand how architecture needs to adapt to become more responsive to unpredictable environmental conditions.

The work of unit J is both experimental and rigorous, producing inventive architectural proposals which deal with issues of corporeal diversity in intelligent and creative ways.

  • Vita Rossi (unit lead)

    Kirsty McMullan (unit tutor)

    Declan Molloy (technology tutor)

  • Bedir Bekar (engineering tutor)

    Felicity Barbur (MPL tutor)

    Holly Jean Crosbie (pattern drafting workshop)

    George Bolwell

    Tom Fotheringham

    Eleanor Downs

    Tom Bolton

  • Year 2:

    Luca-Andrei Balan, Lydia Koupegkou, Fauzah Mahri , Tenecia Pearce, Ellen Phillips, Katie Spratley, Andre Topacio, Annabel Wilks, Cornelia Winter

    Year 3:

    Esi Calliku, Dylan Cartwright, Josh Cook, Christopher Coyne, Ben Farrow, Bella Feinstein, Louisa Hunter Simmonds, Georgie King-Smith, Jessica Lewis, Rhea Lewis, Max Lobbenberg, Anisha Middleton, Rainier Ramos



Unit H


Unit K