Unit A

  • Charlie Palmer - Lead Tutor

    Ruth Cuenca - Unit Tutor

    Tahima Rahman - Technology Tutor

    Eugenie Sentucq - Structures Tutor

  • Hannah Sloggett - Nudge Community Builders (Client)

    Wendy Hart - Nudge Community Builders (Client)

    Matt Ward - Plymouth City Council (Site Owner)

  • Year 2: Irene Zolla, Caitlin Boughton, Kelise Prince, Henry Miles, Emma Lee-Mohan, Georgie Hutchins, Matthew Hamm, Ribas Ale, Aidan Gibb

    Year 3: Oli Waterworth, Tilly Warburton, Elen Togher, Hester Smith, Nisarga Shinde, Barbara Poczatek, Jayan Parmar, Grace Kirpal

Unit A explores the idea that positive large scale change comes through a series of smaller actions that add up over time to encourage more sustainable urbanism which embodies community needs. This year we are tackling the climate crisis and work with Nudge Community Builders, Plymouth, to explore the question of ‘how do we design to address the climate crisis and communicate it to a larger audience to talk about it and address it without it being seen as a middle-class problem?’ The aim is to make the students Agents of Change. For this we had a Climate Action Event at Nudge’s space which facilitated student’s interactions with the local community. The climate booths where then moved to the Community Climate Centre in Plymouth where they can be visited by the public and student work is already making an impact locally. The students then completed two design projects on sites along the street.

2rd Years

3rd Years


Year 01


Unit B