DS04: The Timber Revolution

Architecture in the Zero Carbon Age 

A Zero Carbon future is something we must embrace.  But  the impact that this will have on Architecture and cities of the next century will be profound, monumental…and inevitable.   We will need to radically rethink how we build and the materials we use and principles we value. We will need to create a new culture of design that no continuity with the architecture of the machine age from which we spring. What is this new architecture that will emerge? 

DS 4 will concentrate on speculating and experimenting on the possibilities of what Architecture can be in a Zero Carbon world. We will explore new manifestiations for zero Carbon 0 Materials, focusing mainly on Timber and its modern re-incarnations (CLT, and Glulam) investigating contemporary and historic timber craft methods, and questioning what role Architecture should play, in relationship with nature, ecology, technology and society as a harbinger of positive change.  

DS 4 is MAKING studio, learning through making, and learning through failure are our prime catalysts for developing innovation, exploring new formal expressions, material assemblies and workmanship techniques, using digital tools and fabrication logics alongside analog craft techniques to to produce architecture that provokes, explores and yet is grounded in possibility.   

  • Mickey Kloihofer, Jason Coleman with Technical/Fabrication/Digital tutors Jonah Maxted & Tom Sullivan

  • Invited guests/Critics:

    Stuart McCalister (Sustainability Champion - Heatherwick studio) -

    Pablo Zamorano (Head of Computational Design - Heatherwick Studio)

    Adam Brown (Designer/Maker - Heatherwick Studio)

    Charlotte Chambers (Project Architect) Waugh Thistelton Architects

    Invited Talks/Workshops:

    Stuart McCalister (Sustainability Champion - Heatherwick studio) -

    Design Considerations for Sustainabiity & Carbon concious Design.

    Pablo Zamorano (Head of Computational Design - Heatherwick Studio)

    Making and computation - tools for developing design

    Adam Brown (Designer/Maker - Heatherwick Studio)

    Making / Prototyping Workshop

    Invited Critics

    Charlotte Chambers (Project Architect) Waugh Thistelton Architects

  • Marha Izzuddin, Florence Chau, Zaim Zawawi, Cristina Cocier, Gabriel Rathe, Ying Yee Loo, Dinesha Kanagasundaram, Kilian Soudy, Raafat Raafat, Jamillatul Zakariah, Vedant Ganediwala, Gokul Prasad, Emre Gunduz



